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Chat Plugin Recommendations

  • @planetearthlings


    Hi All…

    Looking for recommendations for both group chat and video chat that will work well with BuddyPress. For group chat one key feature is the ability for chats to be saved preferably on server and accessible by people in charge of groups/forums. We’re going to be using the social network as a development platform for the Planet Earthlings project and we want to be able to document all chats.


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  • @djsteveb


    couple of pages of discussion in regards to some chat plugin with wp/bp recently:

    Chat plugin?

    in my limited experience, I would suggest nusoft’s av-chat since you are asking about incorporating video and having an option to save the videos. I don’t think there is any way to auto-mate moving saved video chats into bp – I think you’d have to admin in to your media server and pull files manually then add them to wp/bp yourself.

    Maybe you would not need a live video chat plugin that saves files to add, perhaps something more like nusoft’s which has a record video option, perhaps that could be incorporated in wp and bp with some custom button api or something (not sure, and if you explore that, let me know what you find out! I’d like to do that too!)

    For just text chat with only a few people I like the free “quick-chat” plugin that is in the wp-repo.

    Busier chat rooms have only worked for me using nusoft’s av-chat program or 123flashchat’s system. Everything else I have tried chokes after 20 users connect at the same time.

    I’m looking into Jitsi and xmpp right now, if I can find some folks to work on an integration with these I may kick in some funding for it. Still learning php and java myself.

    Just re-read your post, makes me think you could also use a screen recording software like corel’s videostudio or camtasia to “document all chat” – if you were involved in each one. Not sure what your project is really about, or what exactly you are looking to do, so a few random thoughts from another bp user, not yet a coder.



    @planetearthlings – I just noticed that the latest version of the program has a new API that will produce urls (and other info) for recorded video chats
    ( )
    – so it should be pretty easy to to put together some code that would take that info and send it back to BP to post recorded video chats.

    The program already has a wp plugin (and a pro version) to connect avchat with buddypress members, so this is the closes thing I have seen that does what you were asking about.

    I will be posting a job offer for someone to connect with another API that nusoft has released soon, and I would help fund any project to connect BP with the avchat recordings API if you decide to take that route. I wish I could just write it myself, but still in the early stages of learning php and java.



    @djsteveb Thanks so much for all the information. I will try to test the AVChat plugin this week and get back to you after I see the capabilities and consider how we might use it. Really appreciate your time and effort.

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