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Clean WP 3.3.1. and Latest BP 1.5.4 new members can’t change avatar

  • @xcelguy


    Created the site, from scratch. Added Bulletproof Security (BPS) from the start because all my other BP sites got hacked by hackers I lost everything, they even gained ftp access to my 1and1 server. Since I changed all my sites with BPS hackers are stopped. This is my first buddypress redo, from scratch. But users can’t change the avatar, they can upload it, then crop, but when they press the crop button, nothing happens. I have spend 3 days searching for a fix. (Note: I did find a plugin that let me add an avatar from the dashboard side, but it only added it to the front end, profile) so i deleted that plugin. I also went back to a basic .htaccess file and disabled BPS. Someone please help me. (Note: the administrator can change his avatar and upload them).

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  • @slickremixcom


    I am having the exact same issue!



    Good to know it’s not just me, i recreated it by starting another new fresh redownloaded WP and BP WP install and BP with out any plugins.. same issue.. , tried changing thems and chaning bp plugin folder then back nope, can’t find a solution yet, hopefully someone can help..



    Ya we are trying to get our website launched and this is out last big bug on the list to knock out! no worries though I submitted a ticket telling BP tech team to check it out. If i hear anything back i will let you know! :)



    No Luck, buddypress said that it was a wordpress to server issue. but my server company is saying that the gd library is installed and working fine. So i dunno

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