if anyone could at least point me in the right direction that would be awesome. I am at a loss
Im looking for the same thing…
@covana: Sorry, nothing much to add–like @kasper777ny, I’m making a note to myself to look into this later. I’m not a huge fan of the separate tabs, either.
This should be possible using just a child theme to create a page that pulls those in and to fix references throughout the site & adminbar, right? But still, anybody have thoughts and which/how many files would have to be modified? I still haven’t delved in too deep with the activity loop and such.
That said, having used this site more & more, maybe the divisions are a little useful–it’s already hard to find the type of activity I’m looking for sometimes.
I would like to have them combined in something called a wall, and still have the filtered versions that already exist. I have a lot of coding experience, but I am a newbie when it comes to BP. I will eventually start work on this, and eventually figure it out. Any gurus out there that can help point me in the right direction, would be greatly appreciated! 
Hmm… perhaps you should come to the next BP dev meeting (I think it’s on October 6th) and present your idea for BP 1.3?
Where is the meeting? I’m not big on travel. 
Ok… there are few things you need to look at to achieve this:
You should create a new theme where you are going to implement your reworked profile / activity sub-nav menu. I suggest deriving this from the bp-default theme: https://codex.buddypress.org/extending-buddypress/building-a-buddypress-child-theme/
In the default theme, the activity sub-nav menu is created by a call to bp_get_options_nav() in /members/single/activity.php. It’s this call that you’ll either want to replace with your custom version (or apply filters / action hooks to get your desired result).
You should also take a look at how the activity stream is built – it’s quite easy to create your own activity loop that will return all the items for a given user merged into a single page (rather than the separate tabs): https://codex.buddypress.org/developer-docs/custom-buddypress-loops/the-activity-stream-loop/
Hopefully that’s enough to get you started.
We meet online every 2 weeks. You can suggest agenda items here: http://bpdevel.wordpress.com/
Wednesdays @ 19:00 UTC
IRC: irc.freenode.net
Channel: #buddypress-dev
Web-based IRC client: http://java.freenode.net/
Roger posted some good links too. I’ve been really impressed with the potential of filters and the like.
Thanks! Immensely helpful.
When members visit one of their friend’s profiles and don’t immediately see stuff they and others have posted to that friend, it makes it hard to build any interest in the site as a place of social interaction.
I will be working on this. Thanks again!
Very kind invitation! I’m too much of a newbie to say much yet. But I am trying to remember than when groups need to think outside the box, they need input from newbies who don’t know there is a box. 
I have found code instances of specifying one filter, but I have been unable to find code instances (or examples) for combining more than one filter. Can anyone give me a lead or show an example of how to combine more than one filter? I would be deeply indebted.