@jaysp656 could be a plugin or theme issue. Have you tried deactivating any plugin which deals with comments? Or changing to Twenty Twelve theme to check if comments show up?
@mercine he is saying the link in the email is wrong. it’s not linking to the activity comments on activity but the actual forums reply. Somebody saw his forums reply on the activity page added a comment to it there but the email notification is pointing to the forums not the activity.
is there a way to change that?
11 years, 7 months ago
Hey, I’ve noticed that when someone comments on one of my posts I get an email telling me of it. Only thing is that the link in the email only takes me to my post, which doesn’t show any of the comments.
”bedheadred replied to one of your updates:
”I think you’d appreciate this.”
To view your original update and all comments, log in and visit: http://dubtopian-review.eu/topic/which-do-you-prefer/page/3/#post-26942
but all I see is this http://puu.sh/3B7Ql.jpg
no comment at all around my post on that page . Only way I know to find said comments would be to dig through the activity page or similar thing under my profile.