I found this code to solve the problem pasting it into funtions.php of my current theme, but it does not work. With the theme Twenty Thirteen not the comment list appears, so it is clear that the issue is a problem I am using.
add_filter(‘tc_show_comments’, ‘disable_comments_buddypress_pages’);
function disable_comments_buddypress_pages( $bool ){
if ( is_page() && is_buddypress() )
return false;
return $bool;
8 years, 5 months ago
Hello community Buddypress! I have a problem: I do not want a list of comments appear at the end of the activity stream. I want users to comment updates on the activity stream, but I do not want that list that appears at the end of the flow of activity. I hope I understand.
Attached a picture so you can see what I mean.