Dear users of this forum, I hope you can help me.
In my website comments in groups page does not update automatically: I have to reload the page.
Also sometimes in the comments I find the text of the old comments and I can not change it; I have to load the page in another browser tab.
Instead comments work perfectly in the general notice board and in the individual user page.
How can I solve this problem? Thank you all. My site
Do you have any cache plugins activated? Try deactivating it first and check group’s page.
Deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress – does the issue still remain?
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The topic ‘Comments in the pages of the groups do not update automatically’ is closed to new replies.
9 years, 1 month ago
Dear users of this forum, I hope you can help me.
In my website comments in groups page does not update automatically: I have to reload the page.
Also sometimes in the comments I find the text of the old comments and I can not change it; I have to load the page in another browser tab.
Instead comments work perfectly in the general notice board and in the individual user page.
How can I solve this problem? Thank you all.
My site