Comments not showing up in activity stream
Just a little more info…
I’ve tried this with all plugins deactivated except buddypress and akismet, and also with the twenty thirteen theme. Still no blog comments are showing up in the Activity Stream at all in either scenario. I would think that should eliminate plugin or custom theme conflicts as issues.
I have WordPress multisite installed elsewhere on my domain, but this is installed in a fresh, single WordPress installation (4.0) in a different directory.
I’ve seen a bunch of old threads in this forum that talk about search engine blocking being a factor, but I’m not sure which settings are relevant to that in the recent version of WP.
I am desperate for some insight!
JasonDo you have ‘Blog & Forum Comments’ enabled on this page
…/wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-settings ?Yes, I have all three boxes checked under Activity Settings, including:
x Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts
x Automatically check for new items while viewing the activity stream
x Allow Akismet to scan for activity stream spamI actually have all the boxes checked on that Settings tab, except for “Show Toolbar for logged out users.”
On the Components tab, I have everything checked EXCEPT “User Groups”
Finally, comments that are made within the Activity Stream are showing up. Comments made on blog posts are not.
I feel like there is something easy I’m missing here, but I just can’t figure it out.
Thanks for your help!
Seems like your settings are correct.
Those settings work on a basic install of WP + BP.
Have you tried deactivating akismet ?Ok, so I just tried again with the Twenty Twelve theme and every single plugin (including Akismet) deactivated, except for Buddypress.
While logged in under a test user account, I left a new comment on a blog post, and still no comments showing up in the activity stream at all. (It shows up under the post itself, and I’m getting new comment notifications to my admin email, so the general commenting is working…just not in conjunction with the Activity stream.)
Are there any other settings elsewhere in WP that might be causing this? (I just LOVE when I am the one to discover problems that no one can seem to solve 🙂
Thanks so much for your advice!!
Just in case, I just deactivated Buddypress, posted a comment, and then re-activated it and posted another comment. Still no dice.
I also have “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” UNchecked in Settings > Reading (in case that matters)
>I also have “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” UNchecked in Settings > Reading
Ok, that stops blog comments from appearing in the activity stream here.
I’m not sure why that is a condition, but it is.So try unchecking it.
Just to clarify, it already is (and has been) UNchecked.
Do you want me to CHECK it?
Sorry, yes, it needs to be un-checked.
And it seems that doesn’t solve your issue.
I can’t think of anything else at the moment… I know it’s frustrating, perhaps somebody else will have thoughts on the matter.Shoot. Well thanks for your effort.
I wonder if there would be any benefit to deleting buddypress altogether and reinstalling it?
Anybody else have any thoughts? I hate the idea of having to abandon Buddypress 🙁
Thanks for the link, Ronia. Unfortunately, adding the filter to my theme’s functions.php file didn’t do the trick for me.
Still no comments in the activity stream 🙁
Ran some quick tests on trunk and can’t find any issues, I can comment on post, displays in activity stream, comment on activity stream entry and it syncs back to actual post, commnet in a nested style comment on comment and those work in same manner as well.
Not sure what your issue is here, have you access to your DB can you check the bp activity table, see if entries are being made for your comments.
How are you installing BP?
On the off chance there are some repair tools under WP > tools don’t think they will help but doesn’t hurt to try blogs one.
The fact you have problem on two separate installs seems to be key here to pointing to something unique on your end or am I mistaken in the two installs? You mention WP MS and a single install do both show same issue?
Have you any caching plugins running or that were running before testing with plugins deactivated – the single site install is though a completely clean one?
Sorry for any confusion.
I have WP multisite installed on the same server which runs my main site. It does not have BuddyPress installed on it.
I have a clean, single version of WP installed in a separate directory on that same host. That’s the one I’m trying to get BP to work on. As far as I know, I installed it through the Add New Plugins panel directly from WP.
As far as the DB goes, I’m not that well-versed with mySQL, but I can export this. Under wp_bp_activity, I can see my test entries for “activity_update” “activity_comment” and “new_avatar”, all of which are showing up in the front end in the Activity stream.
However, when I post a comment in a blog, even though it shows up fine under the actual blog in the front end, this is the row that is added to the DB under the table wp_bp_activity:
id = 39
user_id = 2
component = members
type = last_activity
action =
content =
primary_link =
item_id =
secondary_item_id = NULL
hide_sitewide = 0
mptt_left = 0
mptt_right = 0
is_spam = 0In other words, action, content, primary_link, and item_id have NOTHING in them, which is not the case for the other rows that are showing up fine.
Not sure if this sheds any light…
Yes, that’s a definite clue.
Type should not be ‘last_activity’ and the other fields should not be empty.I just tried installing BP from ‘Add New Plugin’ and it works fine – blog comments appear in the activity stream.
At this point, I would suggest you wipe the single install completely – all files and the database – WP, BP, everything.
Start from scratch.Well, just to make things even more interesting, rather than deleting everything (didn’t want to lose all the other WP customizations I’d already done), I created a new directory on my host, installed a new version of WP using a new DB and everything. Didn’t install one plugin except BuddyPress and used the out of the box Twenty Fourteen theme.
Still having the issue. Checked the DB via PhpMyAdmin, and it’s still showing the partially empty table rows.
I’m taking this as a sign that it’s just not meant to be…
members/last_activity are not the records you’re looking for you should have entries for activity/activity_update in reference to blog comments.
There must be a setting throwing things out, can’t understand how a a fresh install would also have this same issue.
What server / db are you running? Are basics like permalinks all ok and set?
Yeah, I set the permalinks right away.
MySQL version 5.1
Apache version 2.2.27
PHP version 5.2.17I’m taking it as a sign to move on for now. Thanks everyone for your help!
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10 years, 4 months ago
I am new to Buddypress. I just installed it on a fresh WP install. I am using it in conjunction with memberPress (in case that matters). I am not able to see any blog post comments in the activity stream.
I have “Activity Streams” and “Site Tracking” enabled under Settings > BuddyPress > Components.
Buddypress 2.1.1
WP 4.0
What am I missing?