You need to ask Events Manager support questions about appropriate hooks.
Once you have that info, you can add your own notifications.
Thank you @shanebp , is going to be difficult because I’m not a developer, but I’ll try it.
Hey, we use Events Manager by Marcus Sykes and also run Comment Mail by Websharks inc. It’s a long time ago that I set it up but the event creators get emails and have options, it also gives the users options to receive notifications about follow up comments etc.
Hope this helps.
6 years ago
Hello, I’ve a problem with a plugin, I’ve asked help their support page but could’t solve the problem, maybe here somebody could. I’d be so grateful.
The plugin is called Events Manager, it lets users to create events and manage its. Also, any user can write comments in each events pages, but the person who created the event cannot receive any notification of those comments. I’ve tried to install some notifications plugins but no one solves the problem. Maybe using any hook or anything else would be possible. Could anybody help me, please?
Thanks in advance. Regards.