Have you tried changing your password on the front end?
You should see this message, usually below the header and above the tabs:
Your settings have been saved.
Screenshot is from a test site using the WP 2015 theme.
I have tried changing a test account’s password. I changed to a basic WordPress theme and it didn’t have that message at all. Any idea where that’s located?
You don’t say which BP Template Pack you are using.
Or if you are using cover images on profiles.
If you are using the BuddyPress Legacy pack – open the appropriate file from these choices:
And find: do_action( 'template_notices' );
If you are using the BuddyPress Nouveau pack – then the direct call is not in a template.
Look this function bp_nouveau_template_notices()
Make sure that you are not running any code that filters notices.
I have all plugins except for BuddyPress disabled and also have switched out to a basic WordPress theme again but still am not getting any sort of confirmation messages/notices when I save a new password change. I’ve checked in my BuddyPress files as well (am running the Nouveau template but have tried switching between that and Legacy to see if it would fix anything) and both have the proper code you specified in it, but nothing’s showing up.
Do you see other confirmation messages?
Like ‘Changes saved.’ after you edit your profile ?
If you were using a caching plugin, reactivate it, clear all caches and then deactivate it.
No, I’m not seeing any other confirmation messages. I cleared our cache for the development site but it didn’t seem to make a difference, unfortunately.
Then something else is going on, something that will require a developer to investigate.
If you do not have a developer, you can create a new topic here for the purpose of trying to hire a developer.