Try using FeedWordpress; it’s a more, robust solution than WP-O-Matic.
I know FeedWorpress, too much duplicate posts (just like the external group blogs plugin). Does it mean that there’s no way to use wp-o-matic with Buddypress?
No, you can probably still use WP-O-Matic, you just need to patch it to stop looking at BP pages.
Thanks for the info.
Any idea about how to patch it?
I think FeedWordpress had a solution for duplicate posts. Not sure where I’d seen that. I know, not very helpful… But I wouldn’t give up on FeedWordpress too soon. It continues to surprise me.
Yes FeedWordpress has a solution for duplicate posts:
I agree that it’s a great plugin but:
– FeedWordpress does not accept all rrs feeds. The ones I couldn’t fetch with FeedWordpress I did it with WP-O-Matic.
– After activation it fetches all posts from the feed. There’s no control of the number of posts to fetch. In WP-O-Matic you can define 1 post to fetch the first time and then change it to unlimited or the number that you prefer.
– I’ve tested FeedWordpress configured for hourly fetches and WP-O-Matic the same way. With WP-O-Matic I’ve got the latest posts and with FeedWordpress no.
– In WP-O-Matic you can customize how the fetched posts will display. You may include a default image for each feed, text and html. You can define the source link name and make it open in a new window.
Maybe FeedWordpress has more features and advantages, I don’t know, my experience results are the ones I’ve wrote. Besides, when it doesn’t accept the rss feed that I need to fetch … I cannot use it.
Please help, I’ve installed Buddypress to provide more features to visitors but the main content is a specific news feed that FeedWordpress and External Group Blogs doesn’t accept. Without the WP-O-Matic I’m loosing visitors everyday.
I also am having strange happenings using WP-O_Matic.
The campaigns show up in my forums. I use bbpress intergration for forums.

Still waiting for a solution to this also, as I prefer WP-OMatic over Feedwordpress.
With it still activated, it duplicates all the articles – I had to get rid of over 100 of the same article.
I hope this get’s fixed soon. I like the features compared to feedwordpress.
In WPMU the solution is to deactivate WP-O-Matic from the main blog and create a blog only for the feeds. After creating the new blog go to its back-end > plugins > activate WP-O-Matic and that’s it. The feed posts will appear on the site-wide activity. The conflict seems to exist only in the main blog.
I’m using a WordPress single instalation and the only problem is that in some cases the “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by … and so on” keeps showing but WP-O-Matic is running perfectly. The warnings only show in Buddypress pages, not in the blog.
I’m looking now for a way to hide those warnings. If someone knows how to make warnings not show I really would be very grateful.
Hmmm, that’s going to change things a bit then. As I use the unplugged theme for Buddypress MU, where the main stories are the ones pulled from Wp-o-matic. With categorie links to the articles.
I would love it if someone who knew how to fix things would be able to post a fix – so that I could continue to use it from my main blog.
You can manually define the new blog homepage as your BuddyPress frontpage, it’s just a link that you may set up in “header”
There’s a post on the WP-O-Matic ‘s Twitter ( ) announcing the new version for April 1 …. let’s see.
Look like that post was just a joke and trick to submit our emails to them…
Wp O Matic didnt update hes plugin for over 2 years but yet its best plugin wordpress have…
You are right dadaas, that plugin is a survivor. I’m using it with the newest WP 3.0 Beta 1 and there it is, working great as always.
I’ve installed the network and created a blog just for it. In the main blog I’ve set up a static front page with the site wide posts widget and the problems are over (the conflict with BP happens only if you install WP O Matic in the main blog).