There’s a second method in above link which you can use for your theme. If you need further assistance, open up your WP theme’s header.php in text editor and copy all code, then go to and paste the code and click submit. Post the generated URL here. Do the same for your WP theme’s index.php, page.php, and footer.php
Right now, I’m simply trying to get BuddyPress to fit my container width, the rest of my theme uses #container and #post_content for this – as you can see in page.php
I am using the BuddyPress plugin for this. Thanks for the help!
header.php –
index.php –
page.php –
footer.php –
The index.php code in pastebin is from activity/index.php and not from your WP theme
In any case, no worries since your page.php code is enough for this project.
Before anything else, open up your WP theme’s footer.php file. Move “ from top of footer.php to just above closing body and html tags like so:
Many plugins hook into wp_footer and if you have that placed elsewhere, it could cause you problems – layout and other stuff.
To continue with the BP compatibility process:
1. Open up your WP theme’s header.php with text editor and Save > As header-buddypress.php in your WP theme folder.
Open up the new header-buddypress.php file and at the very bottom of the file below other code, add:
Save file.
2. Open up your WP theme’s sidebar.php and Save > As sidebar-buddypress.php in your WP theme folder
Open up sidebar-buddypress.php and at the very top of the file before all other code, add
then at the very bottom of the same file after all other code, add
Save sidebar-buddypress.php
3. Styling issues – use the style modifications used on BP Twenty Ten child theme and adjust to taste.
4. Upload all modifications to WP theme in server.
Thank you very much for that info!