Has anyone used the skeleton component to create a “root component”? I’ve looked at Classifieds, Links, but can’t figure it out for single WP.
bp_core_add_root_component( SLUG );
Then take a look at groups_directory_groups_setup() which catches the URL and displays the template.
Thanks, I’ll take a look. I tried the first part, but failed the second part.
Ok so I think I figured this out. I used the Skeleton component to do this and you need to change a couple of things in order for it to work. First of all, the component registers itself too late so bp_core_add_root_component() won’t work.
Change line 45 of loader.php to
add_action( ‘bp_include’, ‘bp_example_init’ );
This will register the component before Buddypress sets up the URI:s and thus giving you a chance of adding your own root component.
Then for registering my own root component I did this:
function bp_example_setup_root_component() {
/* Register ‘example’ as a root component */
bp_core_add_root_component( BP_EXAMPLE_SLUG );
add_action( ‘bp_setup_root_components’, ‘bp_example_setup_root_component’ );
Lastly you need to setup your own screen functions. Following BP:s way of doing things I created
function bp_example_screen_example() {
global $bp, $wpdb;
if ( $bp->current_component != BP_EXAMPLE_SLUG )
return false;
die(“Example screen!”);
add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_example_screen_example’, 3 );
Now that last function will catch everything that arrives on the example slug so you probably want to make it more picky so to speak.
hi there guys this is pretty old i know however, i desperately need help:
i’m using the following setup:
wp 3.1 bp 1.2.7
I followed all your instructions. If i change the line 45 in the loader, i get an error from my browser saying there were too many url redirects.
If I do not change the loader code, I notice that the $bp->current_ation variable is empty 
Please help.