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Creating Custom Member Types

  • @jblevins1991


    I wrote the following code and put it in functions.php inside of the bp-default theme. Is this wrong? If so where should i put it?

    *	Create the custom coach role for users.
    function createRoles(){
    	//create coach roles
    	$type = "Coach";
    	$args = array("labels" => array("name" => "Coaches", "singular_name" => "Coach"), "has_directory" => "Coaches");
    	bp_register_member_type($name, $args);
    add_action('bp_register_member_types', 'createRoles');
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  • @danbp


    Hi !

    bp-default is a deprecated theme since 1.7 (2013) and only in for backward compatibility.

    If you use latest BP, you can use almost any existing theme and preferably with a child-theme if you customize your site.

    Custom code can be added to bp-custom.php or into child-theme’s functions.php




    Worked like a charm!

    Is the member directory /members/index.php and the loop for the directory is /members/members-loop.php? right?



    Yes !
    allmost all member related loops are in bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/ and in /members/single/ for the profile template



    If I change code like the h3 tags or something will the changes show up on the members directory page? I am trying to modify the bp-default because im not very familiar with child themes. I figure if I modify the parent theme it would show up on the main theme right?



    Arrrgggl ! 🙂 You’re loosing your time by trying to do that. BP Default will be definetly built out soon.
    Read WP codex about child theme and use this solution in any case. Whatever change you make in a core file will be owerwriten at next update. Theme modification should be made from within a child-theme, so it is safe even when an update is made on the original.

    And read at least here about BuddyPress theming.



    I am really confused about how a child theme overrides a standard theme. So does the child theme just have to be named Twenty Sixteen Child and it will override Twenty Sixteen?

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