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[Resolved] Custom activity slug

  • milenushka


    Interesting thing.

    When renaming the page name from activity to something else- the page will not display the added content- be it a shortcode or just some custom text that I write. Also the name of the page will not display and instead it says ” site wide activity”

    I am using the latest version of wp and bp, theme -buddypress special.
    I thought it might me theme realted but switching to a default theme doesn’t display the image added, nor the text.

    I am talking about some custom wp content- “welcome to the site..” Not the activity feed that works fine.

    P.s I also tried renaming the slug using “define slug” but it didn’t work.

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  • danbp



    BuddyPress component pages like “activity”, “members”, etc are restricted to internal usage only. These page must stay empty in any case.

    Please read here:

    Configure BuddyPress



    Hi @danbp, thanks for the note.

    First of all I can still edit the activity page if that’s called activity. Members, groups and forums are locked to additions. I want to add some information for users – why shouldnt I be able to edit this page? It makes no sense.

    Also that doesn’t not answer the question why changing the slug would have such an influence. Renaming the slugs used to be a built in buddypress option, since everybody wants to make their buddypress unique and right for their community.



    These pages are used internaly and dynamicaly by BP, depending their context. And in this, you preferably won’t to change their slugs.

    If you need to add a message on them, you can use one of the do_action hook you’ll find on their respective template. For example, something before the content loop on the profile page:

    function bpfr_my_profile_msg() {	
    	if( !is_user_logged_in() ) {
    		echo '<div class="my_profile_msg">Hi dude !</div>';	
    add_action( 'bp_before_profile_loop_content', 'bpfr_my_profile_msg' );

    And to get custom slugs, you have to use the define technique described here:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

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