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[Resolved] Custom Styles with a pre-existing child theme

  • @rameden



    First off I want to say how awesome BuddyPress is! I just started to work with it and the functionality it includes is amazing. However out of the box I am not overly fond of the styles/layout it comes with. I am hoping to dig in and change them around to match the rest of my site.

    Site Spec:
    Parent Theme: Genesis
    Child Theme: Genesis Child
    Forums: bbpress + BuddyPress

    I have read through some of your documentation but cannot figure out what I am going wrong. From what I understand in order to customize the styles (within my child theme) I must add the files to my child theme with respect to the original BuddyPress file structure. IE:

    Translated to-

    Any help would be awesome. Thank you very much!


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  • @danbp


    Hi @rameden,

    in hope you are already familiar with Genesis framework. If not, i don’t recommend it, because starting with a framework (even if very good) is not easy, and adding another point where you also begin is not the best way… to learn. 😉

    The answer to your question is : child/css/buddypress.css/, but you can also use child/style.css

    Add BuddyPress Styles to a Theme

    If you want to modify BP templates, then you copy the needed file from legacy/buddypress/ to child/buddypress/…./

    /bp-templates/bp-legacy/ belongs to BP.



    Hi @danbp,

    Thanks for the update. I will look and see if I can get this working. As for working with Genesis, I work with it everyday so I am very familiar to how it works thanks.

    Thanks for your help,



    Hey @danbp,

    The css structure works perfectly! Thanks! On the templates would I need to set it up as follows:

    child/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single..etc then edit the file I want


    child/buddypress/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single..etc then edit the file I want

    or am I completely off base?

    Thanks again!



    Hey @danbp,

    I was actually way off base I figured it out!


    Thanks again for you help. Feel free to close this out!



    You’re welcome !

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