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Customize inbox template

  • @datenfresser


    Hi all,

    I would like to customize the template of the inbox. The standard is, that just the subject line of a personal message is linked with the fitting message-thread.
    I would like to link the excerpt of the message with the message-thread too.

    Also I would like to add a hyperlink to users avater in the inbox. It should direct to the users profile.

    Any ideas how I can solve this?

    Thanks a lot.


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  • @boonebgorges


    Hi @datenfresser – You can customize the template by overriding the template file in your child theme. Copy the file wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/messages/messages-loop.php to wp-content/themes/[your-theme]/buddypress/members/single/messages/messages-loop.php, and make your modifications to the new file.

    To turn avatars into links, find lines that look like:

    <?php bp_message_thread_avatar( array( 'width' => 25, 'height' => 25 ) ); ?>

    and do this:

    <a href="<?php bp_message_thread_from(); ?><php bp_message_thread_avatar( array( 'width' => 25, 'height' => 25 ) ); ?></a>

    Something like that should get you close to what you want.

    To link the excerpt, find the line that includes bp_message_thread_excerpt(), and wrap it in a link to bp_message_thread_view_link(). See the ‘View Message’ markup just above for a template you can copy.



    Hi @boonebgorges,

    thank you so much. Your solution works for me.

    Best wishes from Berlin



    Me again. I’ve another problem. If a user clicks on a personal message in the message-loop, he is directed to his profile. Its not very comfortable (especially on mobile devices) that he has to scroll over his cover picture to reach the message.

    So I would like to add an anchor-tag above the thread title in the single view of an thread.

    Can somebody let me know which files I need to customize (and in which way)?

    This picture tries to demonstrate what I would like to do:

    Anchor-Tag above the thread-title


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