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Customizing Member Feed Template

  • @dankicity


    I’m trying to point the member/personal feed to a template in my theme through this in my functions.php with:

    `function my_activity_action_personal_feed() {
    global $bp, $wp_query;

    if ( $bp->current_component != $bp->activity->slug || !$bp->displayed_user->id || $bp->current_action != ‘feed’ )
    return false;

    $wp_query->is_404 = false;
    status_header( 200 );

    include_once( ‘members/single/activity/feeds/my-activity-personal-feed.php’ );
    remove_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_activity_action_personal_feed’, 3 );
    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘my_activity_action_personal_feed’, 3 );`

    Which works just fine when I tailor it for the site-wide feed. Though, that action doesn’t get used for personal feeds like it does for site-wide. Shown by the fact that I can edit the default template in BP and none of the changes are reflected in the feed.

    Is there an alternate method used for the personal feeds? .. or did I miss something?

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  • @dankicity


    Can I just get someone to confirm that bp-activity-personal-feed.php doesn’t get used for a member’s feed? So I know this doesn’t happen because I broke something.

    Though, even if I broke something there shouldn’t be any content and… there is.



    Nevermind, I fixed this by having it check if the current component is my custom component and altered the member feed link to point to that instead. So it now only offers their activity, sitewide and main blog.

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