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Customizing Register Page

  • AngelaQ


    Is there a way to add custom text at the top? I’d like to be able to have some kind of welcome and call to action. Plus it would be nice to have something that says: “If you’re already registered, use the login form in the sidebar” because sometimes people get confused and if they’re going to a page they need to be logged in for, they might try to re-register again.

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  • Venutius


    Hi Angela,

    One way would be to customise the message already shown at the top of the register page. You can do this by creating your own translation of the text shown, and the translation can say what you like.

    See this page for details on how you can create the translation:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    Once you have created your translation file (.mo) my suggestion for the best way to add it to your site and manage it is to use WPT Custom Mo File.

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