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Dahsboard BP admin bar links going to root domain

  • @alextababa2


    Greetings. I’ve just made a clean install of Buddypress and encountered this issue. I should mention that I’m ameature at all this.

    Any url with members in it, eg: ends up at The links are hyperlinked correctly.

    I upgraded to BP 1.2rc and the issue remained.

    Info on my setup:

    WPMU 2.91 is actually an add on site – running of the wpmu install of (get the same issue with

    Have included “define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );” in wp-config.

    The multi-site plugin required me to comment out a few lines in wp-config… maybe got something to do with it:

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */

    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    // define(‘VHOST’, ‘no’);

    $base = ‘/’;

    //define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’ );

    //define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’ );

    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);

    //define(‘BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘1’ );

    Thanks to people for their luuurv

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  • @alextababa2


    Hi there – Accidentally posted this reply in the previous thread

    If it helps, I can get to my member area by swapping my username for the nickname in the links provided in the dashboads BP menu.

    I’m just reverting to the stable BP now, when finished will test this issue with a brand new users. (not my username – my nickname)

    should be (my username)



    Okay so it works with a new user – even with a space in the name, because the admin bar hyperlinks point to the username eg:

    Not starbright/

    But the user created before Buddypress was installed still won’t get correct hyperlinks.



    I’m having similar problems. All my users have spaces in their “display name”. I’ve also just changed up the code to make sure that the “user nicename” doesn’t have any spaces in it. The “login name” never has spaces. It appears that for the BP admin bar, the links use the login name and that seems to work fine. However, in all the BP pages (members, activity, etc.) the member profile link is built using their “display name” which has the space in it and when clicked you get sent to the home page.

    Is there any way to tell BP to use the “user nicename” for the permalinks instead of the “display name”?

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