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Difference between bp_loggedin_* and bp_displayed_* functions

  • @shatter_


    Hello everyone,

    I am currently working on a project related to BuddyPress (by the way thank you for this excellent plugin) and I asked myself a question :
    In one of the pages of my theme I created a hook. Then in my plugin I created a function (related to the hook) to display the avatar of the user.

    I used the following function :
    `bp_displayed_user_avatar( ‘type=full’ );`

    But nothing was displayed. When looking around I noticed the bp_loggedin_user_avatar() function which fully displayed my avatar.
    I do not understand why the first function is not displayed as it used to other places in the code, for example in /members/single/member-header.php.

    And this problem is the same for the other functions of the family bp_displayed_ *. Do you have any idea please?

    Thank you, shatter

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