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Display All User Profile Field Groups on Same Edit Tab

  • @pixieblitz


    Hi! I’m using the latest version of WP and BP, with a CologMag child theme and the Legacy BP templates.

    When editing a members profile, I’d like all their profile fields to show up without having to click through separate tabs and reload new pages for the basic Primary field group and the Details section. I think our members aren’t noticing that they even have extra fields group to fill out… and we have so few fields that it doesn’t make sense to load them separately for editing purposes. (I just split them up to avoid cluttering the registration form.)

    I’m guessing I’d have to modify the edit.php file, but I don’t know what changes to make to get the result I’m looking for. Any pointers would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

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  • @pixieblitz





    Hi @pixieblitz The most simple way is too put all your fields into the default profile tab from the fields WP Admin.

    You can probably list all fields on the edit screen on the front-end overriding the template from your child theme. You should have a look at



    Hi @imath! Thank you for your response. Wouldn’t moving them all to the default profile tab make them show up on the registration form? I’m trying to keep the registration process as clean as possible.

    Also while I’m aware of the use of templates, and I’m pretty sure members->single->profile->edit.php (or profile-loop.php?) is probably the buddypress template I’d need to modify in this case, I don’t actually have any idea how to do it. It seems like the separate groups are controlled by separate forms displayed on separate tabs, so I’m assuming that at the very least user profile changes would still have to be saved via separate “Save Changes” buttons for each form, even if they were displayed on the same tab?

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