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Display memberlist

  • htown


    I hope I am posting this in the correct are and I apologize if I am not. This is more of a presales question but since this is free I guess I’ll just go with the question. I currently have a gravity form on my website that has watts of extra meta-fields for the user. I’m also using the registration plug-in with gravity forms. What I need to do is display a list of members that have joined. Of course I only want to display certain field so I would need control over that. I have tried other plug-ins to simply display the WordPress users but I can never get them to work like I want and I certainly cannot get them to display the correct meta-data for those users. So my question is twofold,
    1. Will buddy press allow me to print out a list of members and customize it the way I’d like?
    2. Will buddy press allow me to export users in a CSV file?

    I’m assuming I can use gravity forms as Front end to register new users into buddypress, please correct me if I am wrong.

    Many thanks,

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  • Henry Wright


    Hi @htown

    1. Will buddy press allow me to print out a list of members and customize it the way I’d like?

    BuddyPress may do. By default, BuddyPress provides a members directory which displays all active members (users that have activated their account). If you need more control over exactly which users are displayed then you’ll need to use the WP_User_Query class provided by WordPress.


    2. Will buddy press allow me to export users in a CSV file?

    I’m not sure this is do-able out-of-the-box. However, there may be plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Directory that can help.

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