If you mean BP comments in the activity stream – then the answer is maybe but the effort would be extreme and not worth it.
Thank you @shanebp . Is there a better looking bp comments plugin with some better styling? Also, my theme Optimize Press 2 has custom page layouts for lessons. The only problem, the bp activity stream will not pick up these comments.
Any thoughts on a solution there?
Is there a better looking bp comments plugin with some better styling?
I’m not aware of any. You could adjust or add css to change the styling.
…the bp activity stream will not pick up these comments.
You’ll need to use bp_actvity_add() to do that.
Your theme may have a hook you can use – ask them.
Oh cool, so if I can find that hook and add the bp_activity_add() the comments from my lessons should show in the Activity Stream?
Thanks again!
@imath I heard from Paul you might be the man for this task. I asked my theme to direct me to the hook and they would not. It wouldn’t really matter, I’m too much of a noob to do anything with it.
However, he said that it’s probably the fact that post_type=post and my lesson templates are post_type=page. If I can get these templates’ comments to show in the activity stream, my quest is complete.
9 years, 4 months ago
Hi All,
Is there a way to replace BP comments with Disqus?
Just checking since it’s my favorite commenting system.