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Do any plugins exist that do multi-step registration for Buddypress?

  • @scottlush


    Are there any plugins that allow users to register in multiple steps where each is refreshed on the page such as through Ajax?

    For instance, the 1st step might ask only for an email, username and password, then when you click “Continue” the screen refreshes (maybe through Ajax) and you get step 2 that asks for custom profile fields like age, hometown, education.

    Ideally we’re trying to plant this on a homepage so that the user doesn’t leave that page until their 2 or 3 step registration is complete.

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  • @bphelp


    Sorry to inform you again, but there is no plugins that I know of that does this yet!
    I say yet because there is the potential to accomplish this but no one has taken on the challenge to fulfill this requirement yet.



    Thanks! If only I were a coder, now I’d have several custom plugin projects on my plate 🙂



    As a web developer myself I add plugins to the repository because at some point it was a requirement for a client and I just figured I would share it on the WP repository so others could benefit from it. I think this is true with a lot of the plugins on the WP repository as well. There may be a few developers out there that would build a custom plugin to fit your needs as long as you are willing to pay them for their work.



    You can do this with Gravity Forms ( You’ll need to also have the User Registration Add-On, but it does a great job of doing what you are asking.

    The only thing to keep in mind though, is that it won’t save any of the info until you click the final submit button.

    I use this for registration on BuddyPress. Though I don’t do the multistep for registration, I use it all the time for other forms on the site.



    Sorry, I am interested in the same topic. Have you been able to solve the problem of the multi-step registration??
    kind regards

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