You can integrate with single WP.
r-a-y thanks! Do I need to install Buddypress plugin in single WP to integrate with bbpress?
Are you talking about the default forums in BuddyPress?
This is the preferred method and will not cause you any headaches 
If you’re talking about integrating an external install of bbPress, this is doable as well.
Requires a bit of time to setup, but it can be done.
How does this site run a forum without requiring you to join a group? Is it an external install? The default forum in Buddypress requires that you join a group to post. I do not want that feature.
Thanks, Roger
It’s an external install.
Download bbpress @
Integrate with WP. Find a guide on the to integrate.
I installed single WP. Then bbpress with data copied from wp-config. Then plugged buddypress in. Opted for external bbpress, then got this message
“Forums were set up correctly using your existing bbPress install!
BuddyPress will now use its internal copy of bbPress to run the forums on your site. If you wish, you can remove your old bbPress installation files, as long as you keep the bb-config.php file in the same location.”
Why does BP say it will now use internal copy, when it just said it will use my existing install????
Hold that comment, let me work a little more here. Thanks!
OK, integrated all I think.
bbpress integration plugin done in WP.
bbpress itself integrated with WP.
I still do not see the external preexisting bbpress forum. I am thinking that I should see the bbpress forum when I click the buddypress forums tab.
Where did you install bbPress?
You should rename your bbpress folder to /forums if you want it to show up there.
IMPORTANT: Read this forum thread:
@ r-a-y Looks like I got an external install working. See click tab forums. Is there a template that will allow me to put the forum in the BP header? Many thanks again. Roger
You’ll need to style your bbPress theme if that’s what you mean.
Can you point me to someone that could do that for me (for a fee of course).
Here’s the right place (for now anyway!):
Do you just want someone to duplicate the original BP theme as a bbPress theme?
No, I would just like to “wrap” the forum in the BP header so that the forum lies below the tabs and site title etc…so a user can navigate back to home, activity, members, etc… As it is now, the forum stands alone and to get back to BP one has to hit the back button.
That’s what I meant. You’ll need to theme bbPress to match BuddyPress.
Before hiring someone for this, I’d recommend finalizing the look of your BP install.
Just my two cents.