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Do notices send emails to users? Where to configure?

  • jgasba


    The Codex mentions here that there is a page in Settings > Email but I don’t see it.

    So I have 2 questions : by default, does sending a notice as an admin to all users triggers a mail to be sent?

    And if so where do I configure/disable it? With 40000 users I’d like to be able to notify users but not send a load of email spam.

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  • jgasba


    For the posterity: the Codex was not very clear for newer user: the Settings > Email mentionned is in the public user profile settings, and only available if you have the “Notifications” component enabled.

    It does not allow to define the default values for the users settings. Each user can customize their own themselves.

    If I’m not mistaken to customize the “default” you can use this code:

    add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', 'wps_set_email_notifications_preference');
    function wps_set_email_notifications_preference( $user_id ) {
        $settings = array(
            'notification_activity_new_mention'         => 'yes',
            'notification_activity_new_reply'           => 'yes',
            'notification_friends_friendship_accepted'  => 'yes',
            'notification_friends_friendship_request'   => 'yes',
            'notification_groups_admin_promotion'       => 'yes',
            'notification_groups_group_updated'         => 'yes',
            'notification_groups_invite'                => 'yes',
            'notification_groups_membership_request'    => 'yes',
            'notification_messages_new_message'         => 'yes',
        foreach( $settings as $setting => $preference ) {
            bp_update_user_meta( $user_id,  $setting, $preference );
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