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Do regular users (participants) need access to wp-admin?

  • tibmix


    I’ve restricted access to /wp-admin using .htaccess file within the /wp-admin directory.
    I have a forum with BuddyPress + bbPress installed.
    All forum users receive the default subscriber/participant roles upon registration.
    Visitors not logged on are free to roam the forum (no posting though).

    But logged-in users are asked for the username/password that is set for site admin (for /wp-admin, specifically) immediately after accessing a forum or a topic.

    How can I stop WP asking regular forum users for username/password set for /wp-admin?

    I can provide url to site, a test user credentials and the content of .htaccess file.
    Thank you.

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  • @mercime


    @tibmix No.  Do not give away your super admin username and password even if they ask you a thousand and one times or more. It’s as simple as that.



    @mercime I don’t! :=)

    Still, I haven’t found any solution yet and I have removed .htaccess from the /wp-admin, for now.

    Forums are not new with WP, .htaccess isn’t either. How come that I’m the only one with this problem?



    @tibmix not sure why, there are too many variables involved. WP/BP versions? If BP 1.6.5 or BP 1.7, are you using bbPress plugin for your forums – sitewide or group forums? If you deactivate BuddyPress, are your issues with bbPress forums resolved?



    WP 2.5.1, BP 1.7, bbpress 2.2.4
    Sitewide and group forums have gone in BP 1.7 but before upgrading to 1.7, at BP installation I unchecked “Discussion forums” option.
    The problem persists if I deactivate BP plugin. I know, you’ll say now it’s not BP’s problem. And you’are right.
    I tried to find a solution on WP and bbpress forums as well, without success.

    Someone suggested to add an exception in .htaccess for admin-ajax.php, but I don’t know how to do this.
    I tried:
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName “wp-admin”
    require valid-user
    AuthUserFile “/home/vssracin/.htpasswds/public_html/vssracing/wp-admin/passwd”
    Files “admin-ajax.php”>
    Satisfy any
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    but it’s not working (with correct “<". If I put these here the entire Files lines disappear).
    Any idea?
    Thank you.



    Did you try putting the full path to admin-ajax.php?



    @modemlooper I tried now, it’s not working.

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