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  • @xiayou



    I want to use Buddypress but somehow I can`t get it to work. No page can be found from Buddypress in the blog.

    When I press Signup link f.ex. the ”Cant find the file specified” shows up.

    I run the latest version of WordPress and host it on which supports PHP5 and MySQL.

    Now I can`t find out how to do the mod_rewrite thing, I guess does not support Apache?

    I really want to get this thing to work – maybe you can point me to a host you use and recommend? I would really appreciate it since it looks like has an issue since it may be IIS servers. Still, the WordPress application works like a charm.

    I checked te Req`s from BP and I can check them all of except the mod_rewrite thing.

    Here`s the page –, mind you it is only ”beta” yet

    Looking forward to hear you opinions!

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  • @gunju2221


    @xiayou, from looking at your website, it looks like you are using a custom theme. The first thing that comes to mind, is Are you using the BP template pack?

    Are you using a host that is free, or do you have a subscription?

    If you have a subscription, it is most likely not the host, more likely conflicting plugins, or a theme that just has a bad bug.

    Try switching to the BP default theme to see if the problem persists, so we can knock off the possibility that it is the theme.



    Mod_rewrite is an Apache module and yes you are running on a IIS server so I’m afraid you have to use another method for url rewriting.

    If you head over to the WordPress codex you will find info on permalinks and getting url rewriting running under IIS



    Thank you for the fast reply. I have installed the BuddyPress Template Pack, which updated the template so it could use the Buddypress.

    I am paying for the hosting, it is the basic Windows hosting at

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