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Double passwords

  • Stef


    When signing up in BP a user must fill in a password.

    But after activation it sends a different automatic generated password with the welcome email to the new user.

    I’d rather see their chosen password in this email.. is this possible?

    I’ve got the site not live yet, but I’m sure this might give some confusion to users.

    Is this a known issue? And how can I solve this?

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  • r-a-y


    This isn’t an issue in the latest release.

    Can you provide us with some more details?

    It sounds like you upgraded from BP 1.0 to BP 1.1.

    By any chance, are you using the old deprecated theme format?



    Hello r-a-y,

    Thanks for your response.

    I’m using BP Version 1.1.3 but I’m not sure what a deprecated theme format is.

    I’m using the Social theme from the site. But having the same problem when using the standard BP theme.

    When signing up without adding a new blog to the account. No account details are being sent. Just the activation email.

    And when signing up and adding a new blog. The account details are being sent but with a wrong (generated) password.

    Pretty weird huh?

    Thanks for your help btw.



    Hey stef,

    You’ll need to contact the people over at WPMU Premium to upgrade the theme.

    Chances are they might already have an update for the theme you’re using.

    You can tell if you’re using a deprecated theme by checking how you are setting the BP theme.

    In the WPMU admin area, if you’re setting the theme via “BuddyPress > General Settings”, then it’s a deprecated theme.

    If you’re setting the theme via “Appearance > Themes”, then it’s the new theme format.

    I’m 99.9% sure the theme you’re using is deprecated, but I could be wrong.



    I’ve noticed probably the same problem.

    Buddypress has no welcome email by default. You can remove the Buddypress function that kills the welcome email, but then the password in the email is wrong.

    I don’t believe this is a WPMU issue. It must have something to do with Buddypress’ changes to the registration process. And I’m also pretty sure that themes have nothing to do with how a password is grabbed from the database and put into an email.



    This doesn’t address the underlying issue but a temporary fix (2 months for me) is to

    change the welcome email so that the wpmu generated password isn’t included. I’m hoping that upgrading to bp 1.2 and wpmu 2.9 will fix a few little bugs that effect my install.

    Go to:

    Site Admin > Options> then edit the Welcome Email

    There is also a ticket for this in the trac:

    Previous topic:



    @r-a-y I’m not using a deprecated theme.

    I have to agree with Peterverkooijen. It doesn’t matter which theme is activated.. the wrong password is being sent. Even with the default theme.

    This is happening when a blog is created at the register process. When only a user is created.. Only the activation mail is being sent.. No Welcome User Email.

    For now I’m going with the tempory fix like Mark.. but hope that this will be fixed in the next update.



    The password in the welcome email, if you restore it…, is generated by this file in wpmu-functions.php:

    function wpmu_welcome_user_notification($user_id, $password, $meta = '') {
    global $current_site;

    if( !apply_filters('wpmu_welcome_user_notification', $user_id, $password, $meta) )
    return false;

    $welcome_email = get_site_option( 'welcome_user_email' );

    $user = new WP_User($user_id);

    $welcome_email = apply_filters( "update_welcome_user_email", $welcome_email, $user_id, $password, $meta);
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "SITE_NAME", $current_site->site_name, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "USERNAME", $user->user_login, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "PASSWORD", $password, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "LOGINLINK", wp_login_url(), $welcome_email );

    So I guess you should replace $password with something else from BP? Or maybe add $bp as global (whatever the hell that is…)?

    EDIT: Adding $bp does nothing. :(

    BTW, the wrong password in the welcome email is the same number of chars as the password that was entered, so I assume it’s an encryption issue. Unfortunately the ‘forget password’ function resets the password, it does not send the stored one. That’s probably more secure, but I don’t see where else I could find code that retrieves the stored password.



    the wrong password in the welcome email is the same number of chars as the password that was entered

    Oops, not true. It’s 8 chars no matter what length the provided password.



    Could this also lead to the wrong passwords in the welcome email?



    I still have this problem that BP sends an generated password.

    I’m using BP 1.2.3 and wpmu 2.9.2.

    Anybody knows how this is possible?



    I solved the double password problem.

    but now I get [Use Set] instead of the password.

    Did I miss something?



    “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.” :-(

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