I just playing around with buddypress.org links and I see the problem is duplicate contents causing the BuddyPress plugin. It doesn’t redirecting URL like WordPress does. Example:
WordPress: Try deleting a few letters at the end of this URL and it always redirect to the right URL.
BuddyPress: It doesn’t redirect to the destination URL. Example:
No slash and slash at the end of URL:
Try deleting some letters at the end of URL to see what you get:
I get the title “Pagination Issue (5 posts)” page above when delete any letters of URL?
Why is that it doesn’t redirecting the URL like WordPress? Can it fix it?
Yeah, this issue has already been reported on Trac:
Probably beyond the scope of what we can do in 1.3. Moving the WordPress filter sounds hacky and best and would probably break someone else’s plugin, so I’d imagine that this would get resolved with the more extensive changes in 1.4.
Yeah, it is a bit of a hack, but I believe it will not break anything; if anyone feels adventurous, try it out.
I’ve been bothered by this issue for a while. Thanks for giving the answer and the patch!
How to install the patch? put it in bp-core folder , or paste the code in a file?
You can put the code from the second patch into your theme’s functions.php file.
You’ll probably have to change “bp_loaded” to “init” though.
awesome, thanks r-a-y for the patch.