9 years, 4 months ago
Hello, could I edit the messages shown in the page after the registration and the activation of a user?
Is it also possible to redirect to another page after the registration form is sent?
Thanks in advance 🙂
This advice I got from William helped me change the text of the Registration page, I’m sure it will work you change other text messages in Buddypress:
This article may be of help to you to change that text http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/make-your-wordpress-site-buddypress-ready/
Or you can use this one too with a plugin: https://webdevstudios.com/2015/06/02/creating-custom-templates-for-buddypress/
Thanks for the links, I’ve already modified the design/template of the registration page but I don’t know how to edit the messages shown and the redirect after the registration form is sent.
Those messages are in the language file and so you can change them in the same way as you would for the messages in the registration page.
Seems I gave you the wrong link, this is the one I meant to give you:
Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs
Use Peodit to edit your language file and create the mo file.