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edit short description within buddypress profile

  • p3t3rr


    Hi everybody,

    I am setting up a bbpress forum and am complementing it with buddypress community functionality.

    Is there a way to let a user edit his short description within buddypress profile, without accessing the /wp-admin dashboard? I have completely restricted access to /wp-admin for subscribers, because I don’t want them to get in contact with it at all.

    On the budypress profile startpage one can see the self description of a given user. Below it there is a link saying (roughly translated) “edit your description here”. The link is pointing to “/wp-admin/profile.php#description”.

    What I need to achieve is subscribers be able to edit this self description visible on the user profile start page without accessing the wp-admin area. How can I achieve this?

    Best regards, peter

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  • shanebp


    By default, BuddyPress does not have a short description and link on profile pages, afaik.

    By short description do you mean Biographical Info?
    If so, you should replace short description with a BuddyPress profile field.
    Then they can edit it in their profile.

    If short description is created by some other plugin or code,
    then replace it with a BuddyPress profile field.



    Hi Shane,

    thx for the quick answer.

    The description I am talking about is seen here ‘’. The link pointing to ‘/wp-admin/profile.php#description’ is just below it.

    By short description do you mean Biographical Info?


    I don’t think there is another plugin which creates this short description (bio info). The description field is a standard wordpress profile text field, isn’t it?

    How could I place a BuddyPress profile field on the profile start page ‘/members/USERNAME/’?



    > The description field is a standard wordpress profile text field

    That’s not the same as a BP profile field. They are two separate beasts.
    You need to find the code, perhaps in your theme, that is adding that field on profiles.

    > How could I place a BuddyPress profile field on the profile start page
    You need to edit the home template for profiles.
    And it sounds like that is already being done by some code on your site.
    Find it and you should know how to change it to show a BP profile field for bio.



    Hi shane,

    thank you. I will have a look in the theme files to investigate the issue.

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