I have similar confusion. I have read the BP codex entry here:
It says to create files inside your theme, in a folder called /buddypress. I am unable to match this template hierarchy against the plugin files, in order to do edits in my theme. I downloaded several themes to look for an example, but none of them had a /buddypress folder. So, I cannot figure out what directory structure I should have, and which files to copy.
I guess I will try copying the files from bp-themes/bp-default into {mytheme}/buddypress.
Create a folder in your theme called ‘buddypress’
Copy a single file into that folder.
For example, copy this file:
into this folder:
Then make a change to that file.
But seeing as how it comes from a BP-Legacy folder, wouldn’t that mean that at some point it just won’t work anymore?
Which file(s) would I use to edit the default layout for this URL:
I am assuming this is Xprofile (the page that I get when I click on someone’s name). I want to edit how this profile looks for all members. So far, all the file structures that I tried, failed to produce an edit to this main page.
@ davni:
If this helps, the following structure produced an edit on the Profile tab inside the Member profile. I copied this file and made an edit:
Then I created this directory structure:
This doesn’t edit the main profile page, but instead, the tab inside it. Still don’t know how to edit main layout.
I’m trying to edit home.php, and specifically the nav menu. Copied file:
Edited this line:
<div style="border:5px solid red">
<?php do_action( 'bp_member_options_nav' ); ?>
Should I see a red border around the nav menu? Nothing happens.
In case it saves anyone else 5 hours of looking, here’s what worked for me. Copy the files from the default theme and do NOT put them all in a folder named buddypress, which was how I interpreted the codex entry. Also, for my theme, I needed to comment out line 80 of home.php:
<?php //get_sidebar( 'buddypress' ); ?>
Since my theme has no sidebars, this was making my site go splat.