WordPress uses “oembed” for automatically converting pasted links into embeddable content. It does not support those two sites.
You can see the full list of supported sites here:
The simple answer is you will need to use their full embed code. Example:
You would have to embed the full iframe code.
Hi, thank you for answering!
Yes, i have tested those. They worked in bbpress for both Verold and Sketchfab. But buddypress seems not to like it. Any suggestions…?
Can anyone see if it is something wrong with this code or test it who has more knowledge about buddypress?.
wp_embed_register_handler('verold’, 'http://studio.verold.com/projects/([\w]+)/embed', 'wp_embed_handler_verold');
function wp_embed_handler_verold($matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr) {
$embed = sprintf(
'<iframe frameborder="0" width="600" height="400"
return apply_filters('embed_verold', $embed, $matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr);
Best Regards
Not sure why that doesn’t work. You might want to download this plugin (which supposedly works with BuddyPress) and investigate their code to see how they’re doing it.