If you switch back to the default BP theme, do the problems go away? This looks like an error in your custom theme.
No, I even tested the default theme. It still has the massive error codes. But there are no really dynamic themes out there for buddypress/wordpress pages, so i figure since 1.2 is new to regular wordpress then it may just take some time. I can be patient.
I too am getting this error, not on my main blog, but just one of my user blogs. I thought it could have been the theme, but my personal blog uses the same theme as this user.
I have ust moved my site over to a new domain, everthing is working great on the main blog. but on my user blogs I am running into a problem with comments – they have an error…
Warning: Missing argument 5 for bp_core_fetch_avatar_filter() in senilityguild.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php on line 345
The user blog with comment post is: http://senilityguild.com/ledsoul/2010/03/14/new-senilily-banner/
And my personal blog is(using same theme): http://senilityguild.com/kiwipearls/2010/03/maggotyanne/
And the main blog is http://senilityguild.com
So what has broken on this users theme? And what can I do to fix this? Wondering if I should just import that users db over again? (as i had to import the 3 user blogs separately to the main blog, as I think the main blog was a little bit corrupted as the old site had lots of problems)
Using most recent Buddypress 1.2.3 ?(get my numbers mixed up)and MU 2.9.2
Anyone know how to fix this problem?
Do you have any plugins installed? Other than BP of course.
15 years ago
So I have a custom theme for wordpress 9.1 and I was looking forward to BuddyPress 1.2 for a long itme. I downloaded it, followed theinstructions to make my theme compatable but I found that there were a few issues.
1) My default avatar system is Gravatar, and even allowing users to upload their own avatars got me this annoying GIANT error code above every avatar – [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /home/clanfan/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php on line 345: Missing argument 5 for bp_core_fetch_avatar_filter()
2) It also does not allow you to register for the site for some reason.
3) Once a group is created, the option to create a new group disappears.
I need a dynamic theme like the one I have until I can make a new one, so a) are there any fixes for these issues anyone knows about cause they have them too or b) is there a great place to get buddypress themes?