Sorry for not noticing your post.
1. Are you using custom or default theme?
2. Did you recently add any plugins relating to buddypress?
3. Did you recently make any changes to the core or any other important files? (functions.php)
4. What version of buddypress are u using?
1. Default
2. Yes Im using quite a lot of plugins
3. Not to functions and im only using a Child theme
4. Latest version
Headers Already Sent out errors are almost always caused by blank spaces in the PHP file, check that you don’t have ANY extra spaces in the files first ?php by mistakenly pressing enter. You can compare so see if you have by downloading buddypress and looking at the original file
Or, an easier way, is to just copy the original file from buddypress. (manually download it on the site)
Copy the bp-messages.php and ajax.php and paste them into your directories
Thanks for your advice.
Ive replaced ajax.php with the original version in:
and functions.php in:
and bp-messages.php in:
It didnt solve the problem 
ok, now I am starting to think it’s a conflicting plugin.
Deactivate All Plugins, but Buddypress temporarily. See if it fixes it.
Just did that a minute ago. Deactivated all plugins except Buddypress. Didnt work either…
Can you give a link to your site?
I will register and see what is going on for myself.