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Error with buddypress bp-blogs line 65

  • @jhvaletaolcom


    Hi! I am having a major problem with my web site. My web site is wordpress version 3.4.2. I have been unable to access the back end of my web site. I received the following error message when trying to log in to the admin panel:

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/content/43/4658543/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blogs-functions.php on line 65

    I went in to the file manager and labeled the buddypress file as “disabled.” This allows me to get in to the back end but, my web site is down. I have tried to reinstall the buddypress plug in but, this just locks up the system and kicks me out of the back end again. Then, I have to go back and label the file “disabled.”

    Please help!! Thanks!


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  • @mercime


    @jhvaletaolcom This is mostly a server issue. Looks like you have a multisite installation where you allow users to create blog sites. Where are you hosted? There are hosting plans which limit execution time to 30 seconds only. You can increase max_execution_time in php.ini from 30 to 60 if you have access to it. Do also search for alternative ways to increase max_execution_time in your WP install or contact your host’s tech support about this issue.

    Beyond that, search online for ways to optimize your WP site and consider using a cache plugin like W3TC or the simpler one WP Super Cache.

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