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Errors notifications in default wordpress theme & worPress 4.1+BuddyPress 2.1.1

  • @giuseppecuttone


    I have detected “errors notification”.
    My original web is with ENFOLD THEME.
    But I have tested compatibity beetween WordPress 4.1 and BuddyPress 2.1.1 in a new web, where there is: WordPress defoult theme, WordPress 4.1, BuddyPress 2.1.1 and bbPress 2.5.4 (ther is no more plugins).
    I have detected the follows errors:
    (ERROR 1)
    When a user (A) invite other user (B) to join a group, the user (B) receives a notification in administration toolbar (bubble), but there is no notification in the administration profile window’s.
    n the follows links there is two pictures of my web where you can see that.

    Notification in toolbar bubble (there are 3 notifications: 1 friend request, 1 new message and 1 invitation group).

    Notification in the profile window’s (there are 3 notifications: message (1) – friends (1) – but in GROUPS there is no notification).

    (ERROR 2)
    The user (A) has posted in a group wall’s and the user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) hasn’t received notification neither admin toolbar or administration profile windows.

    (ERROR 3)
    The user (A) has opened a forum in a grup. The user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) has received notification in the administratio toolbar. But when the user (A) has done a comment the user (B) don’t has received the notification.

    Do you have a web with BuddyPress 2.1.1 and WordPress 4.1?
    Do you have the same problem?

    In the WordPress old version there are the same problems? Or the notifications are OK?

    Can you help me?
    Thank’s very much.

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  • @r-a-y


    We’re looking to improve the invite process for BuddyPress 2.3.

    I’m going to ping @dcavins, as he will be implementing the invite improvements, so he’s aware of this.

    Just to answer your questions:

    Notification in the profile window’s (there are 3 notifications: message (1) – friends (1) – but in GROUPS there is no notification).

    The “Groups > No Pending Invites” nav item is for invites you have requested. Not invites that are pending for the entire group.

    The user (A) has posted in a group wall’s and the user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) hasn’t received notification neither admin toolbar or administration profile windows.

    Currently, notifications do not occur for activity comments. We’ll likely add this enhancement into core eventually, but for now, you’ll have to use a plugin for this:

    BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier

    The user (A) has opened a forum in a grup. The user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) has received notification in the administratio toolbar. But when the user (A) has done a comment the user (B) don’t has received the notification.

    How did user A reply to user B? On the group activity homepage or on the actual group forum topic? If user A replied on the group forum topic, then this sounds like an issue with bbPress, not BuddyPress.



    Hi @r-a-y
    I have solved the problems with notifications toolbar derived from comments and groups.
    The problem was that I used no plugin in order to send notifications… I’m a little silly … 😉
    But now I continue with the problem about notifications derived from FORUM.
    I have used three differents plugins but I continue with the same problem…
    This is a bbPress problem… I understand that, but I have seen that in this web page ( notifications run very well, so my question is:
    What is the plugin used in this page ( in order to send forum notifications in administration toolbar?
    Can you reply me? Or can you indicate who can know that?
    Thank’s very much.

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