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EvoLve Pro theme from Theme4Press: Walk-through needed

  • @latinoleader


    I’m trying to add BuddyPress to EvoLve Pro.  I’ve already downloaded the BuddyPress Template Pack, but I know nothing about programming and can barely read HTML.

    I’m wondering if anyone has been able to successfully integrate BuddyPress into EvoLve Pro that could provide a walk-through in laymen’s terms???

    In the alternative, would it be advisable to install a BuddyPress theme as a Child Theme (I ask this w/the disclosure that I’m still trying to figure out what Child Themes are, let alone understanding how they work).

    Thanks in advance!


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  • @mercime


    but I know nothing about programming and can barely read HTML.

    That could be a bit of a problem. If given an instruction like in this link (your theme will require a different instruction) can you download folders from server via e.g. FTP and implement the changes as instructed?



    Thank you for the reply.  Your instructions helped, quite a bit; but… what’s still throwing me off is figuring out, from my theme’s index.php, what lines of code to copy onto the various BP template files.  Your article helped clear up for me which lines of code in the BP template files need to be replaced!

    I’ll keep trying to figure it out, but if you (or anyone else) would not mind taking a look at the code, below, from my theme’s index.php file, I’d appreciate some direction on what lines need to be copied over to the BP template files.


    EDIT – Please do not post large blocks of code here. ~~~ Mercime



    @latinoleader Open up your theme’s header.php file, copy all code, post to, click submit and post the generated URI here. Do the same for your theme’s page.php, index.php, sidebar.php, and footer.php files.



    If wanting to modify WP at this level you must have got some fundamentals under your belt, basic understanding of html markup and PHP in terms of their syntax, tags formation, line terminating is pretty crucial as is understanding the fundamentals of WP themeing, all this will help you better understand the processes involved. I would urge you do spend a little time on the WP Codex which is a pretty good reference for beginners.



    @mercime Here are the links:





    Thank you for your continued support!

    @Hugo Thanks for the reference to the WP Codex.



    @latinoleader where is the code for your page.php file?



    Hmmm… good question.  I don’t see a file named page.php, but I do have the following:




    When I go to create a new page, in WP, these 3 templates are in the template drop-down menu, in the Page Attributes section.  Is it safe to assume that these templates are what you’re looking for?



    When I go to create a new page, in WP, these 3 templates are in the template drop-down menu, in the Page Attributes section. Is it safe to assume that these templates are what you’re looking for?

    @latinoleader We’ll see. What I need to know is what the default page structure is like. Because whatever you choose in the dropdown menu (e.g. no-sidebar) for the Members Directory, might not be the same page automatically generated when you go to the individual member’s page (depends on what the default page layout is for the theme).

    Create a regular page and do not choose any of the templates from dropdown menu, what layout shows up when the page is published? Please post the page URI from this demo for the default page layout.



    Please post the page URI from this demo for the default page layout.

    None of the pages in the link you provided look like the new page I created. Here’s a stab in the dark for information that’ll hopefully be helpful to you:

    • Under Appearance > EvoLve Pro Settings > Layout, one can select the “main content and sidebar alignment.”  Of the 6 possible layout options, I chose a 3-column layout that has the main content in the center and a sidebar on each side;
    • If it’ll help, my site is live @

    Lastly, I realized that I missed 1 other possible .php file in my previous posts:

    which is found in the same folder as the .php files I referenced in my previous posts.

    Lastly, I’d like to point out lines 32-35 (thanks for referring me to pastebin!) of index.php:  Am I reading that correctly that if a 3-column layout is selected, then WP is to use sidebar-2.php????



    Am I reading that correctly that if a 3-column layout is selected, then WP is to use sidebar-2.php????

    @latinoleader Yes, in addition to the default sidebar.php on the other side of the content.

    Based on the initial scan of the Evolve Pro theme, you would need to change 17 template files from within the 6 BP folders transferred into your theme’s folder in server during the compatiblity process.

    Please confirm which layout you want for ALL your BP templates – no sidebar, 2-columns or 3-columns? I would go for the 2-columns but it’s up to you. Let me know so we can get this going.



    2-columns sounds good to me!

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