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Extended Profiles on – anable Managing Members of the group

  • annasofronova


    Hello, i´m administrator of a community page and have a problem to Manage Members of groups when in Buddypress the component Extended Profiles is on. I need this component to make possible editing profiles info, but when its on it is not possible to invite friends to the group which i create. When the component Extended Profiles is OFF then i can see myself as administartor of a group and can invite friends to it. But when the component Extended Profiles is ON than in Group setting in backend there is empty block Manage Members and Administrators. Why it works so?

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  • mario031


    Hi guys,

    I’m also having the same problem.
    I tried changing theme to twenty sixteen and twenty seventeen, turning off all of the plugins except buddypress without any success. Also combination of twenty sixteen / twenty seventeen + turned off plugins didn’t work.

    Any idea or suggestion what can we do?



    Please remove my profile

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