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external bbpress + buddypress

  • @midwestbonsai



    I am wondering if I use an external install of bbpress with buddypress if the forum activity will show in the “Site Wide Activity” stream.

    Like it is here.

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  • @djpaul





    ok, thanks DJPaul!



    Hmmm, I just installed bbpress in the same db as buddypress.

    When I make a post in the forum, nothing shows in the “Site Wide Activity” stream.

    I want to do it this way so I can have a full forum, and not just the group forums.

    Any thoughts on how to make it work? Did I miss something?



    I am still wondering how to have the bbpress installed in /forums/ (not part of buddypress), and have the new posts in bbpress show up in the “Site Wide Activity”. (Just like here)

    Reason being I want all the forums accessible to everyone and not have to deal with group forums and all of that.




    It’s not as simple as that. One thing you will need to tackle is getting bbPress and BuddyPress sharing the same cookies for user authentication. You need to select the ‘use existing install’ option on the BuddyPress admin to configure BuddyPress; if you have previously selected the new install option, I don’t know what the impact will be if you then tell it to use an existing install.

    What you need to do is find a tutorial or guide for how to install BuddyPress forums (previous to version 1.1, you had to do it manually and it was very complicated). You could start by reading backwards on



    Cookies seem to be working fine, when I am logged in to one or the other I am logged in to the other.

    The only thing that seems not to work the the forum posts going to the “Site Wide Activity Stream” or “My Latest Activity”

    Someone managed to get it to work here so I would think that t can be done.



    I don’t think site wide activity would work if you’re using a fresh, external install of bbPress.

    That would need to be coded probably as a bbPress plugin. I highly recommend deep integration between WPMU and bbPress so you can gain access to WP’s function within bbPress. Otherwise, you need to do specific calls to the database.

    If you’re going with the latter approach, for hints, look into how Boone Gorges coded the MediaWiki plugin, which also writes to the sitewide activity stream.



    Interesting, so is there a way to have the forums set up like they are here? I do not see any group forums here.

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