They’re on the way in a very basic, text only form. Check the trunk version if you’re curious, but right now the trunk is getting some big changes so don’t count on it working 100%.
Thanks John, I’ll be eagerly awaiting the release of it
. All I need is simple text updates, nothing fancy like Facebook with notes, photos, etc.
Yep. It works really slick and does exactly what it sounds like you want it to do.
dumb question, but isn’t that what the wire does already?
not really texet, the wire is more like Facebook’s wall
status updates are personal updates about w/e you want. you can only have 1 update in the status place and when you want to update, it deletes your previous status.
I’m using the WordPress P2-theme for this functionality. It won’t be integrated into Buddypress like the status update (since it’s a WP theme), but its the right thing for me. You might want to consider it.
Anyone try to merge P2 and the wire or bp in general?
If you update to BP 1.1 the status component is in BuddyPress and does exactly what you’re looking for
I would be careful about upgrading right now. So much has changed and there is not a final tagged version of 1.1 yet. Word on the street is 2 weeks and we’ll have a stable release of 1.1
blackarbor originally wrote:
not really texet, the wire is more like Facebook’s wall
status updates are personal updates about w/e you want. you can only have 1 update in the status place and when you want to update, it deletes your previous status.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around status updates… couldn’t you just use your latest wire post with an expiry date of a week? By “expiry”, I mean the wire post won’t be shown underneath your name, but will be archived in the wire). Functionality-wise, they’re both the same… the only difference I see is segregating data and labels. But maybe I’m just daft and slow on the uptake!
Oh yeah Roy is right,
if you’re not a developer and if you’re working on a production site, don’t upgrade, wait the stable release