1. https://codex.buddypress.org/extending-buddypress/changing-internal-configuration-settings/
Create bp-custom.php and add
define ( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘guilds’ );
2. https://codex.buddypress.org/extending-buddypress/customizing-labels-messages-and-urls/
== Is there any chance that in a future update, it might be possible to have an option to rename Groups to whatever you want via BP settings? ==
You could add enhancement ticket in BP trac – log in with same username and password https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/
Thanks for that @mercime
While that changed the Slug name for me, it didn’t change the “name” name.
I dunno what the actual word for what I’m trying to describe is, so here’s an example:
When I go to mysite.com/guilds (the slug name I chose for groups), I get the following text:
“Groups Directory”, “Create a Group” and “Search Groups.” Then there are the other bits of text like “Viewing Group” “Public Group” “My Groups” and “All Groups.”
I tried addding, in the cp-custom.php, define ( ‘BP_GROUPS_NAME”, ‘Guilds’ ); just in the chance that it would change the name Groups to Guilds. Well, it didn’t work.
I don’t know if there is a code for that. I looked on the link you provided and it didn’t mention what I’m looking for.
You’re either going to have to do a find/replace in your theme, or use a language file to achieve the same; https://codex.buddypress.org/translations/.
Oh nice. So if I copy my original language file, I can edit the word “Groups” and change it to “Guilds” and it will replace them all? I’ll give it a try tomorrow. Need some sleep so trying now probably isn’t the best idea. 
I tried the find/replace before and it made the changes I needed, just that when I updated buddypress it replaced all the files I edited.
Well, after hours and hours, I’ve gone through and find/replaced what I needed. Seems that RocketTheme’s Gantry-BuddyPress plugin doesn’t use the exact code to call for the language files. It was all written in html.
I’ve also changed the language files incase they left some of the original BuddyPress code in.
I am stumped on one thing, and this should be the last I need changed in regards to the design of my site.
I’ve been able to change the Groups Directory to Guilds Directory as well the majority of Groups to Guilds. The only things that I haven’t found are what the search box on the groups page lists and the part that lists “Public Group / *** member” listed to the right of the group info.
I’ve gone though every file in Gantry-BuddyPress plugin, and the theme files as well as the BuddyPress plugin folder and I can’t find anything that lists “Search Groups…”, I’ve found “Public Group” in a lot of files and changed them, but after uploading the files the site does not reflect the change.
I’m looking at this bit from the Gantry-BuddyPress plugin and it shows this:
What BuddyPress files would I find those in?
Found it. It was listed in the buddypress/bp-goups/bp-groups-template.php