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Filter members based on checkbox type custom field

  • anjanphukan


    How to use bp_has_members() function to filter members based on a custom field which is a set of checkboxes?
    I think checkbox values are stored as array in database.
    The my_custom_ids() function in Members Loop works only with single value. But it doesn’t work with array of checkboxes.

    Thank you.

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  • shanebp


    Show us the checkbox values as retrieved from the database.



    When the checkboxes are selected at the time of registration, they are stored in “bp_xprofile_data” table like this:



    I can provide some tips – but you need to be able to write some php code.
    Show an example of the filter parameters you want to pass to the ids function.
    my_custom_ids( $filter_parameters );



    Sure no problem. So here is my scenario.

    There are 2 member types and I have a custom user field created, let’s called it Items.

    Both member types need to select some of those Item checkboxes. Now I need to show the oposite member types with common Items on a member profile. For that I created a custom page and run the Members loop. I was able to show the oposite members. But I am not sure how to match the Items and filter those oposite members. The my_custom_id() function works well if it is a textbox field. But it doesn’t work with the checkboxes. You can see how they are stored in the database.

    I can get the current logged in user’s Items list in an array format. I think if I follow the my_custom_id() function then I will have to pass the field name and the array to compare like this my_custom_id($item_field, $current_user_items_array)

    I think with that the SQL select query in the function needs to be modified.

    Hope this clarifies my requirement.

    I am very new to buddypress. If there is another way to achieve this then I will be happy to implement. My main goal is to show the members with common items selected but from the opposite member type to a logged in member.

    Thank you so much.



    If you can get the current user’s items field, then you know the field id.
    So $item_field would be that id.
    Because the database field is a serialized array, you need to do a string search on that field.
    ( String searches on serialized arrays are slow – especially for multiple terms )
    Yes, you need to change the sql to handle the array from that user.
    There is lots of info on the web re handling multiple terms for a LIKE statement.

    You need to loop thru the values in the $items_field and create a string something like this:
    AND value LIKE '%" . $item_1 . "%' OR value LIKE '%" . $item_2 . "%'… etc



    Thank you so much @shanebp.

    But I am a little bit worried as this may bring up the results for the items named – “tested”, “pre-test”, “untest”, “not tested”, etc. if I try to filter the items named only “test”.

    Any suggestions?




    The only scalable method is to store the user’s item selections as separate rows in the database.
    Then you can remove the wildcards from the sql.



    I am using BP_User_Query and BP_Xprofile_Queury with the following code and it worked for me now.

    $xprofile_query = array( 'relation' => 'OR');
    foreach ($my_items as $key => $value) {
    	$xprofile_query[] = array( 
    		'key'=> $fieldID, 
    		'value' => $value,
    		'compare' => 'LIKE' 
    $args = array(
    	'member_type' => 'donor',
    if ($xprofile_query){
            $args['xprofile_query'] = $xprofile_query;
    $user_query = new BP_User_Query( $args );

    Thank you.

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