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Forum Set-up (Techno-klutz alert: on)

  • @mrmzworld


    Howdy y’all!

    Be forewarned, I am a techno-klutz. If it isn’t transparent, I usually won’t see it (pun intended, thank you very much) I am trying to set up the forums on my site. I am using bp 1.2.6 & wp 2.8.5. I have yet to upgrade to 3.0.1.

    In “component setup” in the buddypress menu, I enabled forums. I configured the forums using an existing bp set up. I got the file name from my ftp and everything. It said that it was configured correctly. Now what?

    Um… you know, like where is it? There isn’t a link on the site. There doesn’t seem to be a reference to it in the dashboard: not in the plugins menu, not a widget, nothing. How do I access the forum from the site to put them into use?

    This seems a ridiculous question even for me to be asking, but I really haven’t a clue. Can someone please help?

    Papa Trio

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  • @djpaul


    Groups exist within forums. After activating forums setup, create a group and you should have a forum option. p.s. you will find things broken and not working if you run BP 1.2.6 with WP 2.8.5. It requires WP 3.0 as a minimum.



    Thanks Paul! I really appreciate it.But, um… how do you set up a group? I don’t see a “create group” button or anything suggestive of it anywhere on any of the menus.

    I’ll upgrade, too.

    Thanks again,
    Papa Trio



    @mrmzworld I would suggest that you backup database and upgrade to WP 3.0.1.
    To create a group, go to and you’ll see a create a group button.



    Thank you mercime. I’ll give it a try. My backup is in progress as I type.

    Papa Trio



    mercime or anyone else,

    I go to my buddypress site with groups appended to the name and get directed back to my buddypress site. Is that what is supposed to happen? If so, where is the create a group thingee or where are the forums?

    Do I have the right concept of a forum? I’m thinking that a forum is like a bulletin board where message can be posted and comments made in a thread. Is that correct?

    If my concept of a forum is wrong, then what is it?

    Thanks again for understanding my techno-density.

    Papa Trio


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