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Forums Link is Broken…

  • @rohan_kapoor


    Hi Guys,

    It’s been a while since I’ve been working with buddypress and I’m now doing a new install using WordPress 3.0 and the latest version of buddypress. The install went smoothly except that the link to the Forums page is not working and giving me a 404 page not found. I tried searching for it with no luck. The link to the site is

    Thanks for any help and suggestions.

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  • @mercime


    Did you install bbPress via dashboard BuddyPress > Forums Set Up? That would be needed to get the forums page going.



    Yep I did that, and when it said everything was fine, I did it again and then reinstalled it one more time to be sure



    It’s getting more interesting now:

    After going through the forum install one more time, I looked into the bb-config.php file that was generated.

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘wp_bb_’;

    There is no table in the database that starts with wp_bb_.

    I even removed the bb-config.php and ran the forum installation again and still no tables. It’s like it’s making the config file without doing the backend stuff.

    Any ideas?



    Actually my problem seems identical to this one:

    The solution there isn’t working for me.



    I had the same problem yesterday. I installed the BBPress plugin from the Plugins menu. I don’t know exactly what I did to fix it but here is a list:

    I deleted the BBpress folder from the plugins folder.
    I deleted all the test groups (new site) that I had created.
    I let BuddyPress do the installation again.



    Just reinstalled everything and no dice. It didn’t work at all.



    I’ve tried every combination of reinstall I can think of but it just won’t load the database tables.



    There is a number of forum problems on other threads at the moment – I’m having issues too. I can post to the forums but my subscribers now can’t…



    @rohan_kapoor – install same as your configurations; check bb-config.php – sample here
    – after correcting your bb-config.php at root, you can re-run forum creation – BuddyPress > Forums Setup and click on re-install link. There should be 7 tables of bbPress generated in database wp_bb_forums, wp_bb_meta etc. as well as a new bbPress folder generated within wp-content/plugins/buddypress folder in server.



    My installation for the bbpress folder is in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums. Does the extra folder level make a difference to the plugin working properly?

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