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Function not registered and cannot be accessed

  • phaedoland


    Hi everyone,

    I’m a newbie on WordPress & Buddypress. I’m trying to write a plugin a I have some troubles.

    My plugin has some admin options and I’m registering them by using add_menu_page and add_submenu_page.

    These options are functions written in my plugin-admin.php file. They are all mostly forms, so I have some actions to do with them.

    Well, my troubles come when I try to submit these forms.

    This form, for example:

    <form name="category_edit_form" id="category_edit_form" method="post" action="?page=bm_contests_save_category">....

    Does not work.

    Function bm_contests_save_category is not one of the functions of any of the menu_page. Do I have to register it? How do I do that?

    Thank you very much for your help. Hope I have explain my problem clearly enough.

    Best regards.

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  • Jeff Sayre


    Are you using the BuddyPress Skeleton Component as the framework with which to code your plugin? If not, you should download it and see how the example code that adds an admin page to WPMU’s backend is written.

    The example code is in bp-example-admin.php.

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