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Get E-mail addresses of users without Photos?

  • @adamt19


    We’d like to encourage users who have not uploaded a custom profile photo.. to do so.

    I see threads related to bp_has_members calls, for displaying only users with photos in a member loop, but this isn’t really what we’re after, and I didn’t want to distract with my question on those threads.

    I’m looking for a SQL-only solution that returns e-mail addresses of users WITHOUT a custom photo, separated by commas for a mailing list. I can imagine this would also be very useful for other site administrators trying to increase engagement.

    Obviously if a user is using the default gravatar, their e-mail should not be included.

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  • @shanebp



    function no_photos() { 
    	global $wpdb;
    	$emails = array();
    	$ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users" );
    	foreach( $ids as $id ) { 
    		$avatar_check = false;
    		if ( bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => $id, 'no_grav' => true, 'html'=> false ) ) != bp_core_avatar_default() )
    			$avatar_check = true; 
    		if( ! $avatar_check ) { 
    			$email = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT user_email FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users WHERE ID = $id" );
    			$emails[] = $email;
    	$emails = implode(",", $emails);
    	return $emails;



    @shanebp thanks but unfortunately this doesn’t return anything. We do have hundreds of users with the default gravatar/grey buddy image. These are the people I’m trying to isolate. Returning just the IDs of these people is fine.

    Any other ideas of how to modify the snippet to return those users?



    Is any config changes needed for this to work (eg disable gravatar service, or something)?



    This worked for me

    function no_photos() { 
    	global $wpdb;
    	$nophotoids = array();
    	$ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users" );
    	foreach( $ids as $id ) { 
    		$avatar_check = false;
    		if ( preg_match('/mystery-man.jpg/', bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => $id, 'no_grav' => true, 'html'=> false ) ) ) )			
    		  $avatar_check = true; 
    		if( ! $avatar_check ) { 
    			$nophotoids[] = $id;
    	$nophotoids = implode(",", $nophotoids);
    	echo 'no photo ids: ' . $nophotoids;




    fwiw… The ‘wp’ approach would be to get rid of the global and use:

    $ids = get_users( array( 'fields' => array( 'ID' ) ) );

    and access via: $id->ID

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