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Getting Started…

  • @tilley46


    I’m a BuddyPress newbie, and am having trouble getting started developing my BP site. I’ve installed BP on my WordPress site (WP ver. 3.3.2), activated the default theme, and ran the installation wizard. Now, I’m stuck as far as how to proceed. Is there a way to search the forums for helpful articles on ‘Getting Started’-type issues such as ‘How do I create a standard Home Page for my BP site?’, ‘After installation/activation, I don’t see anywhere for new users to register new profiles’, etc.? So far, the only way I’ve found to get support is to start a new thread in the forum section. HELP!

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  • @mercime


    == Getting Started’-type issues ==
    @tilley46 check out BuddyPress Codex –

    == How do I create a standard Home Page for my BP site ==
    What’s a standard home page for you? The list of blog posts like it is with bp-default theme, Twenty Ten and Twenty Eleven themes? If you want a static front page, do the same thing as you would do for a regular WordPress theme.

    == I don’t see anywhere for new users to register new profiles’, etc ==
    Basic WordPress, go to Settings > General and allow registration.



    Thanks @mercime– I got the Home Page sorted and changed the general settings, but still can’t view or get the ‘registration’ page functioning. It appears that the pages ‘activate’, ‘activity’, ‘forums’, ‘groups’, ‘members’, and ‘register’ were all created when BP was installed and activated. However, when clicking ‘view page’ on both the ‘forums’ and the ‘register’ pages in the WP pages menu, it links to ‘Home’- the static Home Page I created- instead of a ‘forums’ or ‘registration’ page… Not sure what the issue is. Do I need to reinstall BuddyPress after having changed the general settings?



    Go to Settings > Permalinks and set permalinks to other than default permalink. Then go again to BuddyPress > Pages and Re-Save the settings, assuming you’ve already assigned Pages to respective components.



    I had changed the permalinks before (Day& Name), and saved the settings, but still, whenever I clicked ‘view’ on the ‘Registration’ page, it took me to the ‘Home’ page I created. I deleted that, and then ‘Register’ linked to a page that says ‘Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here’. I deleted ALL pages, uninstalled BuddyPress, re-installed, but then, instead of getting the Installation Wizard, got an error message saying that ‘The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activity Streams, Discussion Forums, User Groups, Members, Activate, Register. (REPAIR)’. Was hoping that starting over from the beginning would solve the issue, but no luck. Even now, despite creating all new pages and associating them w/ the BuddyPress components, I still get ‘Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.’ on both the ‘Register’ and ‘Forums’ page and the ‘Forums’ page says that ‘The forums component has not been set up yet.’ I’m assuming that’s due to my re-installing BP, but not yet having gone through the installation wizard…? I don’t know what the hang-up is… Shouldn’t there be a unique ‘Register’ page created/linked to through the BP component ‘Register’? I’m at a bit of a loss…



    Sanity check: When you said you activated the “default theme” in your first post, did you mean the WordPress default theme Twenty Eleven or the bp-default theme? It should be the bp-default theme. And if you’re using Twenty Eleven or any other WordPress theme, you need to install and activate the BP Template Pack plugin then go through Appearance > BP Compatibility process.

    Now if you are using the bp-default theme, go to BuddyPress Pages again and double-check that BP components are indeed associated with respective pages

    If that doesn’t cut it,



    I have the same problem that Tilley46 had, above. I am wondering if a solution was ever found?. I have installed, deleted and re-installed and get the exact same error message. Using the bp default theme didn’t help either. I googled it and found a number of people have had the same problem but nobody seems to have a definitive fix. I’m at a loss too.



    @rbrtah there were many issues by OP. Is same error about setting Group and/or Sitewide Forums? If so, check



    Thanks for answering so quickly, @mercime. Here is the error message I am getting: ‘The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activity Streams, Discussion Forums, User Groups, Members, Activate, Register. (REPAIR)’.

    Do you think the “fix” you suggested would work for this error? If so, I will try it. Am new to WP and a bit nervous about making too many changes in unfamiliar territory. I appreciate your help.



    == ‘The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activity Streams, Discussion Forums, User Groups, Members, Activate, Register. (REPAIR)’. ==

    @rbrtah Your issue is different. The message means that you haven’t gone through the Installation Wizard. Click on (Repair) or go to dashboard menu BuddyPress > Pages and associate the BuddyPress components with respective pages.



    Thanks again. I will give it a try.



    I clicked on “repair” and nothing happens. I went to the dashboard to “Pages”. Not sure what you mean by “associate ” the pages. When I click on “new page” am I supposed to type a title in? Don’t understand. “Actovity Streams” and “Discussion Forums” both have a “View” button next to them. I clidked on the button and got “Page not found, We’re sorry, but we can’t find the page that you’re looking for. Perhaps searching will help.”

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