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Group avatar losing PNG transparency

  • @raphadko


    When I upload a group avatar, all transparency is lost and the background goes black. I tried searching all over for this but even though it looks like an old wordpress bug, I haven’t found anything tha would fix it. Can anyone help?

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  • @raphadko


    ps: the image is converted to JPG after the cropping
    ps2: I have a 24bit png



    I think you may be stuck with jpg as BP gets the file by reading images in a folder and looks for .jpg




    never noticed, but i have the same bug on my site 1.6.3 Ms / WP 3.5
    I just tried with a profile avatar. The background goes black on the image to crop and is transparent on the preview image. As soon as saved, it goes black and to jpg !
    Unknown bug for me !



    It’s not a bug.



    i noticed one of our users had transparency in his avatar but i’m almost certain it’s because he has a gravatar. maybe there’s a relatively painless way to trick BP into thinking a group has a gravatar? Pure conjecture but just a thought.



    BP takes an image and creates a new file with new file name so it can manage images without having to hit the database for every user. It uses a structure:


    There is no way to easily use a .png without a ton of refactoring of code.



    ok gotcha but i know it works for users:

    i didn’t do anything to make that happen and he never uploaded his avatar so i would think that has to be a gravatar.






    ok this might sound weird.. but.. the JPEG saved actually had transparent background, take a look at this:

    So, the thing is, it used to keep the bg transparent, even converting to a jped file. Now it converts to a black bg.. any thoughts on that?



    create a .png change the file name to .jpg and then upload it and try.when reading the file info it’s saying it’s a png



    I had changed something in the code that was saving it as a JPG, but was still a PNG, keeping the transparency. Maybe I had changed something in the wp core, according to some website I found on the web, but now I can’t find it again

    Do you have any idea on how I can get this back?



    The thing is that wp-crop-image has changed with the new editor in 3.5, now every web page showing how to do that trick is outdated..

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